As I was reading ‘The Coming Jobs War’ by Jim Clifton, the CEO and Chairman of Gallup, I kept thinking to myself, how this ties in with the work we are doing here at the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber, and how powerful it will be when we get leaders to filter decisions through the question of ‘is this going to help support entrepreneurship and creating good paying jobs’?
The premise of Clifton’s book is that there is now an all-out world war for good jobs, and if the United States doesn’t get its act together and have an economic miracle, we are going to be losing our economic position in the world. Start-up and sprout-up business will be key. These small and
medium-sized companies with fewer than 500 employees fund the American way of life, our schools, social programs, and government. Without an environment that nurtures their success, the resulting downward ripple effect will have devastating impacts, and we will lose the jobs war.
The premise of Clifton’s book is that there is now an all-out world war for good jobs, and if the United States doesn’t get its act together and have an economic miracle, we are going to be losing our economic position in the world. Start-up and sprout-up business will be key. These small and
medium-sized companies with fewer than 500 employees fund the American way of life, our schools, social programs, and government. Without an environment that nurtures their success, the resulting downward ripple effect will have devastating impacts, and we will lose the jobs war.
According to Clifton, we are in deep trouble unless there is an unpredicted transformational event that will cause sudden extraordinary surge in entrepreneurship and innovation.
I hope this book inspires you and helps you start to prioritize resources, programs, and projects to transform our region to a place that supports entrepreneurship.
Best wishes,
I hope this book inspires you and helps you start to prioritize resources, programs, and projects to transform our region to a place that supports entrepreneurship.
Best wishes,
Tom Pierson, President & CEO
Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber
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