Perseverance paid off as the Chamber's Board of Directors accepted a resolution to support the top three priorities of the East Foss Transportation Study. But the job's not done!
The Tacoma City Council, in a study session July 15, remanded the East Foss Transportation Study to two of its Council Committees: Environment and Public Works Committee and the Economic Development Committee.These two Council committees will be charged with reviewing the East Foss Transportation Study and bringing recommendations for implementation to the full Council.
The East Foss Transportation Study itself identifies these implementation options:
- Incorporate appropriate sections of the traffic study into the S-8 Shoreline Master Plan Regulations;
- Implement the recommended three priority projects;
- Participating entities need to take study recommendations back to their boards/commissions (Chamber and Port of Tacoma);
- Increase coordination of advanced facility planning between the City of Tacoma and the Port of Tacoma;
- Facilitate partnerships to share infrastructure costs to maintain existing uses and to increase economic development in the study area.
The Chamber Board has committed staff resources to follow-through with involvement in the two City Council committees evaluating the implementation options. The Chamber will push for implementation of at least the top three recommendations