Let your state representatives know what you think of their
plan to raise taxes. Please consider testify on the budget tomorrow, March 30
at 1:30 p.m., send a letter to your House members using this link and/or
comment on the 2015-17 state budget bill online at this link.
The new and increased taxes in the 2015-17 House budget
- A
new 5 percent capital
gains tax
on the sales of stocks and other assets, including homes, totaling $570
- Increase
B&O tax rate on
to 1.8 percent - a 20 percent increase;
- Repeal of B&O Tax
preference for travel agents;
- Repeal of sales tax exemption
for bottled water;
- Repeal of B&O Tax
preference for prescription drug sellers;
- Repeal of B&O Tax
preference for royalties;
- Repeal of use tax exemption
for extracted fuel;
- "Mainstreet
Fairness" nexus,
or collection of B&O or sales tax on Internet purchases; and
- Limit the Real Estate Excise
Tax foreclosure exemption.
The Association of Washington Business (AWB) has scheduled a
meeting for Monday, March 30 at 11:30 AM to discuss the proposed budget. The
meeting is at AWB, 1414 Cherry Street in Olympia and is available by conference
call by contacting Conniegr@awb.org if
you are an AWB member.
In addition, the Senate Commerce & Labor
Committee has the following items on their public hearing agenda next week. The
meeting will be held in Senate Hearing Rm 4, J.A. Cherberg Building, Capitol
Campus, Olympia, WA.
Work Session
1. Minimum
Public Hearing
Each of these measures was passed by the House on a party
line vote earlier this month. This is an excellent opportunity to contact your
UPDATE #1: 3-30-2015
UPDATE #1: 3-30-2015
1355 = Summary of Bill: The state minimum hourly
wage is increased to $12 over the course of
four years, as follows:
January 1, 2016 – $10.00;
January 1, 2017 – $10.50;
January 1, 2018 – $11.00;
January 1, 2019 – $12.00; and
January 1, 2020, and thereafter, the rate is adjusted for inflation.
1356 = Summary of Bill: Intent. A safe and sick
leave law is created that applies to employees
performing services in the state, including
temporary and part-time employees. Employees
accrue and are entitled to use and carry over unused
leave based on employer size.
Employers with four or fewer full-time equivalent
(FTE) employees are exempt.
1 employers have more than four and fewer than 50 FTEs.
2 employers have 50 to fewer than 250 FTEs.
3 employers have 250 or more FTEs.
Paid sick and safe leave requirements do not apply
to any employees covered by a bona fide
collective bargaining agreement to the extent the
requirements are expressly waived in clear
and unambiguous terms.
Employer Tier
Hours worked to accrue
hour of leave
Hour use per year
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
UPDATE #2: 3-30-2015
Your lawmakers need to hear from you and your opinion on these measures. Please contact Tom Pierson or Gary Brackett at the Chamber with questions or specific concerns.