The draft Regional Economic Strategy is an
active blueprint to ensure our region's long term sustainable economic
prosperity. It outlines the Prosperity Partnership's initiatives for improving the
five foundation areas of the economy: education and workforce development,
business climate, entrepreneurship and innovation, infrastructure, and quality
of life. Each goal has a set of strategies - the methods the region will take
to achieve those goals.
The draft Economy Report assesses industry
cluster and foundational issues associated with successful economic development
strategies and creates a context for understanding the central Puget Sound's
competitive position relative to peer regions. Industry clusters include:
Aerospace, Business Services, Clean Technology, Information Technology, Life
Science and Global Health, Maritime, Military, Philanthropies, Tourism and
Visitors, and Transportation and Logistics.
The draft Regional Economic Strategy and
Economy Report are available online at psrc.org or from PSRC's
Information Center at (206) 464-7532. The documents are scheduled for adoption
by the region's Economic Development District Board on July 25, 2012.
For more information, contact
Chris Endresen Scott, 206-971-3269.
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