It is official.
Based on the latest Census results, Washington will gain a new congressional seat.
The News Tribune has more information and an interactive national map produced by the Census Bureau outlining the population shift at this link.
Governor Gregoire, commenting on the new Census results said, “I’m proud of the work of our citizens – many worked tirelessly to ensure Washingtonians were counted, and because of their effort, our state’s mail back participation exceeded the national average. Their effort is an important part in ensuring democracy and representation.”
Lilah Gael, U.S. Census Bureau said, there was a 9% increased response rate from Pierce County and "it could not have been done without the Chamber." Many will recall the numerous marketing and advertising support and the use of office space for Census taker training that the Chamber gave the Census to increase our response rate.
It worked and it produced positive results! In addition to more Congressional clout, the state and Pierce County will be advantaged by an enhanced federal allocation for the next decade.
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