The wood stove program
officially launched last week and we will hold the first drawing this Friday to
select our first round of lucky winners to receive replacement funds.
What: Wood Stove Program Replacement Drawing
- 5 free-replacement grand prizes
- 50 $1500 discounts
- 100 $1000 discounts
When: Friday, 11/30, 11 a.m. to noon
Where: PSCAA Tacoma – 747 Market Street, Suite 1520, Tacoma, 98402
Tom Pierson, Tacoma-Pierce Co. Chamber, and Frank DiBiase, Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, will be
drawing the grand prize winners.
If you’d like to be a part of this process, please RSVP
to Melissa Paulson, Communications Specialist, Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, by noon on Thursday. Although this is a relatively informal
event, it’s also a reflection of your months of effort and input. We plan
to showcase the wood stove program’s success in the future, as well, and a
second drawing will be held in mid-February.
Please feel free to contact Melissa
with any questions you might have. More information about wood stove
program details and Tacoma-Pierce County outreach is available online at www.airsafepiercecounty.org.