The Legislature has recently passed an important cut-off milestone where bills introduced by either the State House or the State Senate were required to pass through and be sent to the other legislative body.
The Chamber's TEACH agenda continues to be the guiding document for the Chamber's legislative advocacy. From that guide of principles and goals, the following bills are relevant to the Chamber.
This status report is meant to inform you about these individual bills. You are encouraged to inform yourself and share with your district's elected officials your support or opposition for their passage.
If you have any questions, please contact Gary Brackett or 253-627-21275.
Bill #: Number assigned to bill by House or Senate. S = Substitute. Sometimes there are matching House and Senate bills, so two numbers may be given. E = Engrossed, meaning it has passed in one branch of the legislature.
Title: Working title to convey what's in the bill
Prime Sponsor: The lead legislator sponsoring the bill
Chamber Position: Advocacy position the Chamber is taking for the bill
Status: Where the bill resides in going through the process for adoption, or not. H = House and S = Senate
Comments: Additional information to aid in understanding the bill
$: If the note has a fiscal note (f) indicating the need for funding
Bill #: S1042/(S5017)
Title: Providing a property tax exemption for property held under lease, sublease, or lease-purchase by a nonprofit organization that provides job training, placement, or preemployment services. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Prime Sponsor: Seaquist
Chamber Position: Support
Status: S, Ways & Means
Comments: Provides a property tax exemption for property held by a nonprofit organization if the property is primarily used for providing or supporting job training, placement, or preemployment services.
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Bill #: 1150
Title: Extending the time in which a small business may correct a violation without a penalty.
Prime Sponsor: Smith
Chamber Position: Support
Status: S, 2nd Reading
Comments: Extends the time in which a small business may correct a violation without a penalty.
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Bill #: ES1175/(S5176)
Title: Making 2011-13 transportation appropriations.
Prime Sponsor: Clibborn
Chamber Position: Monitor
Status: H, Passed 3rd
Comments: Makes 2011-2013 transportation appropriations. The SR 167 Tolling Feasibility Study Project is funded - $1,000,000.
Bill #: 1178/(S5318)
Title: Addressing the office of regulatory assistance.
Prime Sponsor: Appleton
Chamber Position: Support
Status: S, Rules 2
Comments: Transfers reporting requirements relating to certain effects on the regulatory system in the state from the office of financial management to the office of regulatory assistance.
Repeals the termination and repeal of the office of regulatory assistance under the sunset act."
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Bill #: 1286/(5044)
Title: Concerning the tax preference review process.
Prime Sponsor: Orcutt
Chamber Position: Support
Status: S, Ways & Means
Comments: Changes the tax preference review process for the citizen commission for performance measurement of tax preferences and the joint legislative audit and review committee.
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Bill #: 1418/(S5308)
Title: Concerning evaluating military training and experience toward meeting certain professional licensing requirements.
Prime Sponsor: Rolfes
Chamber Position: Support
Status: S, Rules 2
Comments: Requires the director of the department of licensing to develop a process to evaluate military training and experience that may be applied toward meeting the training and educational requirements for certain professions.
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Bill #: 1432/(5841)
Title: Permitting private employers to exercise a voluntary veterans' preference in employment.
Prime Sponsor: Rodne
Chamber Position: Support
Status: S, Rules 2
Comments: Establishes a permissive preference in private employment for certain veterans.
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Bill #: 1586/(5315)
Title: Regarding the provision of doctorate programs at the research university branch campuses in Washington.
Prime Sponsor: Seaquist
Chamber Position: Support
Status: S, 2nd RdConsCal
Comments: Authorizes research universities to develop doctoral degree programs at their branch campuses subject to approval by the higher education coordinating board.
$: f
Bill #: S1929
Title: Concerning the regulation and preservation of urban streets through a local option street maintenance utility and allowing the imposition of a charge. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Prime Sponsor: Liias
Chamber Position: Oppose
Status: H, Rules R
Comments: Authorizes city legislative authorities, under certain circumstances, to establish a street maintenance utility to provide street maintenance utility service.
Bill #: 2033
Title: Consolidating arts and heritage programs for the purpose of streamlining government and improving efficiency.
Prime Sponsor: Darneille
Chamber Position: Support
Status: H, SGTribalAff
Comments: Creates the department of heritage, arts, and culture.
Abolishes the department of archaeology and historic preservation and transfers its powers, duties, and functions to the department of heritage, arts, and culture.
Transfers the Washington state arts commission to the department of heritage, arts, and culture.
Transfers, to the department of heritage, arts, and culture, all powers, duties, and functions of:
(1) The secretary of the senate and chief clerk of the house of representatives pertaining to oral history activities;
(2) The department of commerce pertaining to the Washington tourism commission; and
(3) The secretary of state pertaining to the Washington state legacy project and the state library.
Changes the name and function of the Washington state legacy project, state library, and archives account, the Washington state flag account, and the Washington state heritage center account.
Requires the code reviser to develop and submit legislation for the 2012 legislative session that updates and corrects statutes to reflect the changes in the act.
Bill #: 4202
Title: Amending the state Constitution to require that hydroelectric generation be recognized as a renewable resource.
Prime Sponsor: Haler
Chamber Position: Support
Status: H, Environment
Comments: Proposes an amendment to the state Constitution to require that hydroelectric generation be recognized as a renewable resource.
Bill #: 4217/(S8213)
Title: Providing for community redevelopment financing in apportionment districts.
Prime Sponsor: Springer
Chamber Position: Support
Status: H, Ways & Means
Comments: Proposes an amendment to the state Constitution to provide for community redevelopment financing in apportionment districts.
Bill #: 2S5034
Title: Concerning private infrastructure development. (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 2/28/11)
Prime Sponsor: Kilmer
Chamber Position: Support
Status: H, Exec Action
Comments: Allows private utilities to provide infrastructure needed for economic development in a manner that minimizes development sprawl.
Provides a contingent effective date.
Requires the utilities and transportation commission to provide written notice to certain parties as to whether the contingency occurs.
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Bill #: 5044/(1286)
Title: Concerning the tax preference review process.
Prime Sponsor: Rockefeller
Chamber Position: Support
Status: H, Rules R
Comments: Changes the tax preference review process for the citizen commission for performance measurement of tax preferences and the joint legislative audit and review committee.
Bill #: S5128/(1747)
Title: Concerning statewide transportation planning. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) Prime Sponsor: Haugen
Chamber Position: Support
Status: H, Trans
Comments: Allows more flexibility to organize the transportation planning process across modes and jurisdictions by providing policy direction on the desired outcome and reducing statutory procedural requirements.
Bill #: 5135/(1090)
Title: Responding to the current economic conditions by temporarily modifying the unemployment insurance social cost factor rate for rate year 2011. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Prime Sponsor: Kohl-Welles
Chamber Position: Support
Status: C, 3 L 11
Comments: Modifies the unemployment insurance program temporarily.
$: f
Bill #: S5176/(ES1175)
Title: Making 2011-13 transportation appropriations.
Prime Sponsor: Haugen
Chamber Position: Monitor
Status: S, Rules 2
Comments: Makes 2011-2013 transportation appropriations. The SR 167 Tolling Feasibility Study Project is funded - $1,000,000.
Bill #: ES5307/(S1417)
Title: Concerning evaluating military training and experience toward meeting licensing requirements in medical professions. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Prime Sponsor: Kilmer
Chamber Position: Support
Status: H, 2nd Reading
Comments: Allows persons with certain military training or experience to count that training and experience towards certain professional licensing requirements.
$: f
Bill #: 5422/(1452)
Title: Concerning the taxation of amusement and recreation services involving amateur sports.
Prime Sponsor: Regala
Chamber Position: Support
Status: S, Ways & Means
Comments: Provides a business and occupation tax exemption for amounts received by a nonprofit organization or governmental entity for the privilege of joining a competitive team sport league or for the right to participate in the competitive team sport activities.
Provides a sales and use tax exemption for certain sales and uses of the aforementioned amusement and recreation services.
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Bill #: E5566/(1686)
Title: Concerning long-term disability for injured workers and costs to the workers' compensation program. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Reforming workers' compensation through authorization of voluntary settlements, creation of a return to work subsidy program, and authorization of a study of occupational disease. ) (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 3/05/11). Bill to counter this effort were introduced recently. HBs 2023 (offset prior ppd awards), 2025 (freeze the COLA to TTP and PTD benefits) and 2026(rainy day fund) incorporate many of the Governor's early proposal. Business community is firmly behind 5566. Prime Sponsor: Kohl-Welles
Chamber Position: Support
Status: H, Labor/Work Dev
Comments: Modifies workers' compensation provisions.
Authorizes parties to an allowed claim for benefits to enter into a voluntary settlement agreement.
Requires the department of labor and industries to:
(1) Contract for an independent study of voluntary settlement agreements approved by the board of industrial insurance appeals;
(2) Contract with an independent entity to study occupational disease claims in the workers' compensation system;
(3) Contract for an independent study of return to work provisions; and
(4) Create a Washington stay-at-work account which shall be funded by assessments of employers insured through the state fund for the costs of certain payments and for the cost of creating a reserve for anticipated liabilities.
Makes wage subsidies and other incentives available to employers insured with the department of labor and industries to encourage employers at the time of injury to provide light duty or transitional work for their workers."
$: f
Bill #: S5741/(1884)
Title: Concerning the economic development commission. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Prime Sponsor: Kastama
Chamber Position: Support
Status: H, Gen Gov Apps
Comments: Changes the composition and duties of the Washington state economic development commission.
Creates the Washington state economic development commission account."
$: f
Bill #: 5745/(S1915)
Title: Concerning state assistance for financing local government infrastructure.
Prime Sponsor: Kilmer
Chamber Position: Support
Status: S, Ways & Means
Comments: Finds that a 1998 local government infrastructure study documented that local governments in the state had a total funding need of over eight billion dollars worth of critical projects.
Provides financing assistance to local governments to help them respond to the demands for infrastructure improvement, repair, and expansion related to health, safety, and the environment by creating an infrastructure bank that will provide local government with credit support.
Changes the name of the public works board to the infrastructure financing board.
Changes the composition and duties of the board.
Changes the name of the public works assistance account to the infrastructure financing account.
Creates the local infrastructure assistance account and requires the state treasurer, at least twice a year, to distribute money in the account to all counties on the basis of population."
$: f
Bill #: E5764
Title: Creating innovate Washington. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Creating innovate Washington, which includes the Washington clean energy partnership as a programmatic activity. ) (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 3/02/11)
Prime Sponsor: Kastama
Chamber Position: Support
Status: H, Ways & Means
Comments: Creates innovate Washington as a state agency to be:
(1) A collaborative effort between the state's public and private higher education institutions, private industry, and government; and
(2) The primary agency responding to the technology transfer needs of existing businesses in the state.
Creates the Washington clean energy partnership as a programmatic activity of innovate Washington to develop, implement, and manage programs and funding initiatives related to expanding the clean energy sector in Washington.
Abolishes the Spokane intercollegiate research and technology institute and the Washington technology center and transfers the powers, duties, and functions to innovate Washington.
Creates the investing in innovation account.
Creates the Washington clean energy partnership fund.
$: f
Bill #: S5844
Title: Concerning financing local government infrastructure.
Prime Sponsor: Kilmer
Chamber Position: Support
Status: S, Rules 2
Comments: Modernizes the public works assistance program and other programs providing state and federal funding assistance for local infrastructure.
Requires the public works board to prepare and submit to the appropriate committees of the legislature, an implementation plan to create a reformed state system for providing assistance for local infrastructure.
Eliminates the water conservation account.
Bill #: S8213/(4217)
Title: Providing for community redevelopment financing in apportionment districts. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Prime Sponsor: Kilmer
Chamber Position: Support
Status: S, Ways & Means
Comments: Proposes an amendment to the state Constitution to provide for community redevelopment financing in apportionment districts.
$: f
Bill #: 1347/(5544)
Title: Concerning sales and use tax exemptions for certain property and services used in manufacturing, research and development, or testing operations, not including changes to RCW 82.08.02565 and 82.12.02565 that reduce state revenue. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Prime Sponsor: Hunter
Chamber Position: Monitor
Status: S, Passed 3rd
Comments: Finds that:
(1) Despite previous attempts at clarifying the manufacturing machinery and equipment exemption, significant ambiguity persists, particularly with respect to the scope of the exemption; and
(2) It is necessary to reaffirm the original intent in establishing the manufacturing machinery and equipment exemption.
Provides a new, stand-alone sales and use tax exemption for machinery and equipment used primarily in technological research and development operations by the state's four-year institutions of higher education.
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Bill #: ES1469/(ES5253)
Title: Concerning landscape conservation and local infrastructure. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Prime Sponsor: Springer
Chamber Position: Support
Status: S, Rules 2
Comments: Addresses landscape conservation and local infrastructure relating to:
(1) Designation of agricultural and forest lands and rural zoned lands as sending areas;
(2) Transfer of development rights to receiving areas;
(3) Allocation among local governments of transferable development rights;
(4) Development plan for infrastructure;
(5) Quantitative and qualitative performance measures;
(6) Local infrastructure project areas and project financing;
(7) Participating taxing districts;
(8) Property tax revenues to pay or finance costs of public improvements; and
(9) Comprehensive plan optional elements.
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Bill #: 2S1909
Title: Promoting innovation at community and technology colleges. (AS OF HOUSE 2ND READING 3/02/11)
Prime Sponsor: Reykdal
Chamber Position: Support
Status: S, Ways & Means
Comments: Enhances the community and technical college system by making the maximum use of certain technologies.
Creates the community and technical college innovation account to pay and secure the payment of the principal of and interest on financing contracts and to implement the state board for community and technical colleges' strategic technology plan.
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Bill #: S5222/(S1308)
Title: Increasing the flexibility for industrial development district levies for public port districts. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Prime Sponsor: Kastama
Chamber Position: Support
Status: H, Ways & Means
Comments: Authorizes a port district, after adoption of a comprehensive scheme of harbor improvements and industrial developments, to raise revenue through certain levy periods.
Prohibits a port district from levying taxes under RCW 53.36.100 (levy for industrial development district purposes) for collection in 2016 and thereafter. Increases the maximum time period for an industrial development district levy from six to 20 years.
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Bill #: ES5253/(ES1469)
Title: Concerning tax increment financing for landscape conservation and local infrastructure. (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 3/01/11)
Prime Sponsor: White
Chamber Position: Support
Status: H, Ways & Means
Comments: Addresses landscape conservation and local infrastructure relating to:
(1) Designation of agricultural and forest lands and rural zoned lands as sending areas;
(2) Transfer of development rights to receiving areas;
(3) Allocation among local governments of transferable development rights;
(4) Development plan for infrastructure;
(5) Quantitative and qualitative performance measures;
(6) Local infrastructure project areas and project financing;
(7) Participating taxing districts;
(8) Property tax revenues to pay or finance costs of public improvements; and
(9) Comprehensive plan optional elements.
Bill #: 5367
Title: Authorizing the economic development finance authority to continue issuing bonds.
Prime Sponsor: Kastama
Chamber Position: Monitor
Status: H, Cap Budget
Comments: Authorizes the economic development finance authority to continue issuing bonds by increasing the allowable total outstanding debt.
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Bill #: S5451
Title: Concerning shoreline residential structures in a master program adopted under the shoreline management act. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Prime Sponsor: Ranker
Chamber Position: Support
Status: H, 2nd Reading
Comments: This is consistent with AWB's position on the bill. The bill recognizes that there is concern from property owners regarding the legal status of existing legally developed shoreline structures under updated shoreline master programs.
Clarifies the legal status of these structures that will apply after shoreline regulations are updated.
Bill #: ES5457(1536)
Title: Providing a congestion reduction charge to fund the operational and capital needs of transit agencies. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Prime Sponsor: White
Chamber Position: Monitor
Status: H, Trans
Comments: Provides public transit agencies with a temporary tool, in the form of a congestion reduction charge, to help address their revenue shortfalls during this economic crisis and allow them to continue reducing congestion on some of the state's most crowded corridors.
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Bill #: 2S5539/(S1554)
Title: Concerning Washington's motion picture competitiveness. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Prime Sponsor: Kohl-Welles
Chamber Position: Monitor
Status: S, Rules 2G
Comments: Addresses motion picture competitiveness relating to:
(1) Limiting funding assistance from the approved motion picture competitiveness program;
(2) Changing the composition on the board of directors for the program;
(3) Business and occupation tax credits;
(4) Revising the definition of ""motion picture""; and
(5) Developing a survey form and instructions that certain motion picture productions are required to complete.
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Bill #: S5576/(1754)
Title: Regarding capital construction and building purposes at the University of Washington and Washington State University. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Prime Sponsor: Kilmer
Chamber Position: Support
Status: H, Cap Budget
Comments: Modifies provisions regarding capital construction and building purposes at the University of Washington and Washington State University.
Bill #: S5658
Title: Concerning the sale or exchange of surplus real property by the department of transportation. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Prime Sponsor: King
Chamber Position: Monitor
Status: H, Rules R
Comments: Modifies the department of transportation's surplus real property program.
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Bill #: 5731
Title: Concerning Washington manufacturing services.
Prime Sponsor: Chase
Chamber Position: Support
Status: H, 2nd Reading
Comments: Requires a minimum of fifty percent of the funds received by Washington manufacturing services from the state to be used by Washington manufacturing services for carrying out certain duties.
Requires Washington manufacturing services, in conjunction with industry sector and cluster associations, to conduct workshops on, and provide assistance to manufacturers affected by import competition in, applying for federal trade adjustment assistance financing.
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Fast-breaking issues from the federal, state, regional and local levels for your immediate attention and action!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
2011 Tahoma Business Environmental Award event

Date & Time: April 22, 11:45 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Place: Hotel Murano, 1320 Broadway, Tacoma 98402
Price: $300 Corporate tables of 10 (names of attendees required)
$25 Chamber member
$25 Citizens for a Healthy Bay
$30 Non-members
$35 Walk-ins/at the door
Register Online – Click here
PRESENTATION OF THE TAHOMA BUSINESS ENVIRONMENTAL AWARD: This Earth Day the Chamber recognizes the outstanding business in our community working hard to protect the environment, preserving our quality of life and for their exemplary environmental protection or restoration efforts. Award Sponsor: Taylor-Thomason Insurance Brokers
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Gerry O'Keefe, Executive Director, Puget Sound Partnership
Mr. O’Keefe was appointed the Executive Director of the Puget Sound Partnership by Governor Gregoire on February 11, 2011 after serving as the Partnership’s Deputy Director since April of 2010.
Prior to coming to the Partnership, he was the Natural Resources Director for the Grant County Public Utility District with responsibility for a $1 billion environmental mitigation program required under the FERC license issued to the electric utility.
In 2007, Mr. O’Keefe led the Governor’s effort to establish a water supply program in Eastern Washington, breaking the gridlock between historically antagonistic interests. The legislature enacted the program and appropriated $200 million to launch it.
In 2008, he negotiated agreements with the federal government, the Colville Tribes and the Spokane Tribe to provide the first new water supplies from the Columbia River in over 30 years.
Gerry was raised in Minnesota, relocating to Seattle to attend the University of Washington where he earned his MBA in 1987.
ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEW ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVE: The Chamber and Citizens for a Healthy Bay (CHB) have formed a resourceful new alliance to help Tacoma-Pierce County businesses improve their environmental performance and increase their profitability.
Event Sponsor: Regence BlueShield
Thursday, March 24, 2011
SBA Announces Washington 2011 Small Business Awards
Darrel Bowman,, Tacoma; has been named Veteran Small Business Champion by the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Seattle District Office. Bowman was named as the Tacoma-Pierce County Veteran-Owned Small Business in 2010.
An independent panel of judges selected the winners based on several criteria, including: staying power; business growth; increase in employees; response to adversity; innovation; leadership and contributions to the small business community; and evidence of community-oriented projects.
The Washington state SBA Small Business Awards’ Event – A Big Night for Small Business - will be held in Seattle on April 21st at the Museum of Flight, Boeing Field, Seattle WA. For information about the Washington State Awards Gala, contact Carol Anderson. Information on SBA’s National Small Business Week 2011 celebrations in Washington, D.C. can be found at
An independent panel of judges selected the winners based on several criteria, including: staying power; business growth; increase in employees; response to adversity; innovation; leadership and contributions to the small business community; and evidence of community-oriented projects.
The Washington state SBA Small Business Awards’ Event – A Big Night for Small Business - will be held in Seattle on April 21st at the Museum of Flight, Boeing Field, Seattle WA. For information about the Washington State Awards Gala, contact Carol Anderson. Information on SBA’s National Small Business Week 2011 celebrations in Washington, D.C. can be found at
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Electric Vehicles Charging Station Grants for Businesses
Electric vehicle charging station grant funds available for Tacoma business owners.
In response to the growing electric vehicle market, Federal stimulus grant funds are available to local business owners to install public customer charging stations. The Puget Sound area is one of a handful of regions that can take advantage of this opportunity.
In response to the growing electric vehicle market, Federal stimulus grant funds are available to local business owners to install public customer charging stations. The Puget Sound area is one of a handful of regions that can take advantage of this opportunity.
Businesses have until September 2011 to pursue the available grant funds to help the Puget Sound area plug-in to a new era of transportation innovation and reduce the fossil fuel costs and emissions.
The benefits to becoming a charging station host include:
- Free charging stations
- Up to $2,500 for installation (through EV Project only)
- Free maintenance coverage through December 2012
- Ownership of charging station transfers to site host at the end of the project
- Recoup electricity costs, or even generate revenue by passing on charging fees to your EV customers
Requirements of charging station hosts:
- Allow rapid installation of the charger
- Allow the general public to use the charger
- Provide adequate public signage
- Keep the charger in good operating order
- Cannot sell or move the charger once it is installed
- Allow anonymous data to be provided for analysis
If interested, business owners need to call for a free estimate. To schedule your free assessment and estimate, or for more information, contact: Jim Blaisdell with Chargepoint America Project, ChargeNorthwest at (253) 265-0919 or Dan O’Shea with the EV Project, Ecotality at (206) 920-1477.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Help Fight Workers’ Compensation Fraud
The Washington State DSHS Division of Child Support (DCS) is responsible for the New Hire Reporting program. New Hire information is used by the state to fight benefits fraud and collect child support.
A bonus “plus” of the program is that no paperwork is required—you can report online. It’s fast and easy—just go to the New Hire Program website and take a few minutes to file the report.
DSHS shares the data with L&I and the Employment Security Department so employers only have to report one time - saving time for employers. View a flyer about the program here.
If you need assistance with New Hire Reporting or want to explore other reporting options, contact Doug Cheney or 360-664-5043.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Economic Engine for the South County Too

Jack Hedge, Director of Real Estate Asset Management, will be presenting an overview of current Port activities at the Chamber’s South County Connections next week.
South County Connections, Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber
Date & Time: WEDNESDAY, March 16, Noon – 1:15 p.m.
Place: Regency Room, University Center, Pacific Lutheran University, South 122nd & Park Ave., Tacoma, 98447
Price: $16.00 with RSVP/Pre-paid
$18.00 at the door
Information: Susie Wagner, 253-682-1734
RSVP Online
Friday, March 4, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Public Meeting on Proposed Electronic Billboards
You are invited to public information meetings on electronic billboards proposed to be installed in many of Tacoma’s Business Districts.
The City of Tacoma is considering revisions to the City’s billboard regulations. The proposed changes may:
• Allow installation of 10 digital billboards in exchange for the removal of 53 static billboards.
• Impact the allowed and size and locations of billboards
• Establish standards for digital billboards (brightness, hours of operation, etc)
Electronic billboards are similar in function to electronic picture frames in that the images are static and change every few seconds. The proposed electronic billboards have the ability to communicate real time emergency information. While new digital billboards would be allowed only in certain areas, the proposed changes would apply citywide and could result in the removal of existing billboards from many different areas.
There are two immediate opportunities on March 9th, 2011 to learn more about this proposal.
Meeting #1
Date: March 9th, 2011
Time: 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Location: Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber, Simpson Community Room (950 Pacific Ave., Suite 300)
Meeting #2
Date: March 9th, 2011
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Location: City Council Chambers, Tacoma Municipal Building (747 Market Street, 1st Floor)
Next Steps
Over the next few weeks, the Planning Commission will be studying this proposal and collecting community feedback. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, March 16th, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers (747 Market St., 1st floor) before making their recommendation to the City Council, who will make the final decision. The Council is currently scheduled to make its final decision in July.
More Information
Additional information, including the complete text of the proposed revisions, the staff report, maps showing the areas where new digital billboards would be allowed and the first group of existing billboards that would be removed, and the environmental determination, is available from the Community and Economic Development Department, at all branches of the Tacoma Public Library, and on the Planning Division website: (click on “Billboard Regulations”)
If you have additional questions, please contact: Shirley Schultz, City of Tacoma,, (253) 591-5121
To RSVP for the 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. meeting please contact Chelsea Levy at the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber,, (253) 627-2175
Live Wire previously reported on this issure here.
The City of Tacoma is considering revisions to the City’s billboard regulations. The proposed changes may:
• Allow installation of 10 digital billboards in exchange for the removal of 53 static billboards.
• Impact the allowed and size and locations of billboards
• Establish standards for digital billboards (brightness, hours of operation, etc)
Electronic billboards are similar in function to electronic picture frames in that the images are static and change every few seconds. The proposed electronic billboards have the ability to communicate real time emergency information. While new digital billboards would be allowed only in certain areas, the proposed changes would apply citywide and could result in the removal of existing billboards from many different areas.
There are two immediate opportunities on March 9th, 2011 to learn more about this proposal.
Meeting #1
Date: March 9th, 2011
Time: 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Location: Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber, Simpson Community Room (950 Pacific Ave., Suite 300)
Meeting #2
Date: March 9th, 2011
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Location: City Council Chambers, Tacoma Municipal Building (747 Market Street, 1st Floor)
Next Steps
Over the next few weeks, the Planning Commission will be studying this proposal and collecting community feedback. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, March 16th, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers (747 Market St., 1st floor) before making their recommendation to the City Council, who will make the final decision. The Council is currently scheduled to make its final decision in July.
More Information
Additional information, including the complete text of the proposed revisions, the staff report, maps showing the areas where new digital billboards would be allowed and the first group of existing billboards that would be removed, and the environmental determination, is available from the Community and Economic Development Department, at all branches of the Tacoma Public Library, and on the Planning Division website: (click on “Billboard Regulations”)
If you have additional questions, please contact: Shirley Schultz, City of Tacoma,, (253) 591-5121
To RSVP for the 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. meeting please contact Chelsea Levy at the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber,, (253) 627-2175
Live Wire previously reported on this issure here.
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