Last night marked the first on-the-road outreach by the Chamber's Shorelines Task Force with a panel presentation at the Propeller Club, Port of Tacoma Chapter.
Panelists (Gary Coy/Sperry Ocean, Dave McEntee/Simpson, Jason Jordan/Port of Tacoma, Scott Mason/ILWU and Mike Weinman/Weinman Consulting-Chamber Government Affairs) spoke to their issues and concerns (business continuity and job opportunity).
Propeller Club members were encouraged to participate in the process. The Port of Tacoma's comments,
available here, were requested by Propeller Club members. The Port's comments serve as an excellent general guide for specific issues and remedies in the draft Shorelines Update. Likewise, the Chamber Business & Trade Manager Gary Brackett, serving as panel moderator, shared with the Propeller Club, a set of principles suggested to guide advocacy efforts. That list of
principles is available here. These principles serve as the "bones" for the "meat" of comments that should relate to the specific needs and concerns of individuals and businesses.
For those wishing to participate in the public process of developing a Shorelines Update, comments may be made or copied to Tacoma's Shorelines Update lead staff
Stephen Atkinson or 747 Market St., Ste. 1036, Tacoma 98402-5531.
The Tacoma Planning Commission (first for review and approval) and the Tacoma City Council (final for review and approval) (
contact info) are scheduled to make their decisions about August and October, respectively. The public involvement process is now open and accepting public comments. Your input will be part of the decision process.
For related blog articles, use the label: "Shoreline" as immediately below.